Growing Your Business? Systems Furniture Is Part of the Plan
Small Business Furniture That Maximizes Space and Budget is Our Speciality
The entrepreneurial spirit is alive in Northeastern Wisconsin. How does Systems Furniture, Inc. help our small business customers create the office that works best for them? We know that small businesses face a dual challenge; look toward future growth and carefully watch the bottom line. At Systems Furniture, we take your budget and show you how your new office will fit your present needs and how it can expand. Finding the right small business furniture can be as simple as 1-2-3.
Step 1: Utilize office space efficiently. Systems Furniture’s interior designers plan a layout that provides workstations, conference space and collaborative areas. Our computer designed office plans make visualizing an expansion or change a quick and cost-effective experience.
Step 2: Look for quality furniture that is flexible. Our Account Managers know that a growing business needs furniture that can be added to easily. We can recommend furniture that is multi-functional. A mobile pedestal file that rolls out and can be a seat for a quick meeting, a reception area coffee table that is also a mobile device charging station and a work surface that can be adjusted from desk height to standing height, these are just three products that Systems Furniture offers at an economical price.
Step 3: Create an energizing work environment. Take a look at ergonomic chairs, incorporate artwork and have a spot for an employee lunch area. Make the office more productive by providing accessories that hold multiple computer monitors and lamps with flexible arms for good task lighting.
A small business in Green Bay or Appleton can start with a one person office and grow to become a multi-story corporate headquarters. Systems Furniture is ready to help you grow that business. Give us a call at 920-336-1510 or check out more ideas on our website from office chairs to small business furniture… sysfurniture.com.