Furniture Systems for Millennials in the Office
Systems Furniture, Inc Provides Solutions for a New Generation
There are 83.1 million Millennials in the United States and they are rapidly outnumbering Baby Boomers in the workplace. How do you make your office function for the new generation? Millennials prefer a variety of work environments within the office and manufacturers like Knoll, First Office, Enwork and Global highlight furniture that is flexible, promotes collaboration and is ready to “plug-in” anywhere in the office. Systems Furniture, Inc. in De Pere designs office space and provides furniture systems that reflect Millennials’ workstyle preference.
Benching is a streamlined, lower profile furniture system that allows for more natural light in the office instead of the dark maze of traditional workstation cubes. As the need for paper storage and binders has been reduced by computer record keeping, so has the need for files and cabinets. The result is a smaller, sleeker workspace that takes up less real estate. Benching can take many forms from open tables where employees sit directly across from and adjacent to each other to clusters of smaller workstations with low panels which provide more privacy when the person is seated.
Collaboration Space is one of the newest innovations in office design. Millennials, who favor working in teams and more social interaction, need space to work together. Furniture systems now include lounge seating for departmental brainstorming and café booths with moveable tables and chairs for impromptu meetings.
Quiet Areas are also important to Millennials for focused, heads-down work. Small meeting rooms can be furnished with desks, tables, white boards, and task seating. In addition, Systems Furniture can provide comfortable seating options that incorporate connections for tablets, laptops and headphones for a quiet getaway from the workstation.
Making Millennials welcome in your office is easy. Just give Systems Furniture, a Knoll dealer in Wisconsin, a call at 920-336-1510 and we will bring our interior design and product knowledge to your northeastern and north central Wisconsin business. Take a look at our website,, for ideas for collaborative spaces, seating, and furniture systems.