Ergonomic Seating – A Conversation with Melissa Samuels of Blankenheim Services
Systems Furniture Works With Rehabilitation Specialists
If you are working in an office, chances are you are sitting down. How is your task chair? Now multiply that question by the number of people in your business and you can understand why purchasing ergonomic seating is an important decision. Blankenheim Services, LLC in Appleton , Wisconsin (blankenheimservices.com) deals with seating as a part of their overall service in providing their clients with “ergonomically based injury management®”. Today, Systems Furniture is talking about ergonomic chairs with Melissa Samuels, OTR and National Sales Manager.
SFI – Tell me about how Blankenheim Services works with your clients and task seating.
Melissa – Blankenheim works with manufacturing companies across the United States in both factory and office settings to prevent or avoid ergonomic/musculoskeletal injuries and manage injuries more successfully when they do occur. When we work with office personnel, we ask about an employee’s daily routine: what portion of their day do they spend sitting, working on a computer or standing? We work to help companies evaluate seating needs and offer guidance for connecting with ergonomic seating providers.
SFI- What is the most important feature of an ergonomic chair?
Melissa – Adjustability is the very most important issue. Companies need to consider height adjustability to accommodate a wide range of employees. Seat back adjustability is equally important to support the lower back and shoulders to reduce fatigue and discomfort. A chair that comes with a warranty is a must because it gives the owner the best value for the price.
SFI – What is the best way for a business owner or facilities manager to evaluate a chair?
Melissa – We ask our customers about their relationship with a seating vendor. An office furniture dealer can explain the benefit of ergonomic seating options at different price points. In addition, we suggest that a company narrow their selection to 3 chairs and then have samples available for employees to try out before making a purchase.
SFI – Thank you, Melissa.
Systems Furniture is a great resource for ergonomic chairs in Green Bay, Oshkosh, the Fox Cities and throughout Northern and Central Wisconsin. Our website, sysfurniture.com introduces our commercial interior design, space planning and office furniture capabilities. Call our account managers at 920-336-1510 and start a conversation about ergonomic seating today.